October 18, 2008

Google Code

I've create a Google Code project which currently houses a simple framework (the CoLa framework) that includes 2 simple classes... one is a category on NSFileHandle that I use to read bzip2 compressed data files and the other is a wrapper class for Objective-C/Cocoa logging using asl.

I'll be adding a lot of code here as time goes by and explaining some of what I've done in this blog. Tonight, however, I'm too tired to do more than just adding this little bit :) Tomorrow I'll write and article about CLCLog.

The link to the Google Code project is http://code.google.com/p/cola-framework.

Hot, Chocolaty and Delicious!

So everybody has been telling me to start up a blog for a while now regarding Cocoa and Mac OS X development... I finally gave in today and started one. It's gonna be a blogspot blog for now, but if people actually find it useful I'll probably transfer it over to something more permanent.

I intend to post little things that I come across regarding all things Mac OS X (not just Cocoa programming)... that will include example code, tutorials, issues and random tips as well as the occasional ranting/venting. For now I'm going to focus on Mac OS X development exclusively on this blog... I'll also be posting a link to a google code project that will include all my example code as well as a general framework that I've been developing chock-full of wonderful little Cocoa utility classes.

So stay tuned for all kinds of Coco goodness!!